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Written by a patient at Wimbledon Clinics
8th January 2017

I cannot speak highly enough about Adrian Fairbank. Two consultations, a scan and the operation all within 2 weeks - outstanding service, care and attention. I was recommended to Adrian by my doctor and he certainly exceeded all expectations. In consultations he was extremely attentive and treated me as if I was his only patient and on the day was very open and helpful before and after the operation. As to the operation itself all I can say is what a huge difference it has made to me. I have already recommended him to a friend.

Written by a patient at Wimbledon Clinics
8th December 2016

It was around the time of my 72nd birthday when I had to give up playing tennis that I realised my knees were feeling distinctly second hand. Clearly a lifetime of sporting activities and various injuries had taken their toll and I was experiencing pain and lameness preventing me from continuing comfortably with a number of activities. A doctor friend who was aware of my knee problems strongly advised me to see Mr Adrian Fairbank's Team at Wimbledon Clinics, Parkside. Following further discussion with my GP it seemed most likely that total knee replacement surgery (TKR) would be something I should consider and I was referred to Mr Adrian Fairbank at Wimbledon Clinics. I had x-ray studies just prior to the initial consultation which showed evidence of distinct arthritic changes in both knees and it was explained that as this would surely worsen now would be the ideal time to go forward with the TKR surgery to allow me to continue the active lifestyle I have enjoyed for some years to come. I was given a thorough explanation of the procedure and what I might expect during recovery. My next question was to ask if both knees could be done at the same time. Mr Fairbank explained that this was not what he would routinely recommend but as I was in fit and healthy condition he would consider it provided there were no problems with the pre-op assessments and after a satisfactory consultation with the anaesthetist. Fortunately, I passed the tests and after further discussion on the pros and cons of bilateral surgery it was agreed we would go ahead with surgery on both knees at the same time. I met various members of the team who talked me through the early recovery process where I would have daily hydrotherapy and physiotherapy. Altogether the pre-operative help and advice I received was excellent and gave me a feeling of complete confidence in my surgeon and the other members of the team. Once the date was set I continued with exercise as much as I could as advised by Mr Fairbank together with continued gym training to try and maintain strength in the leg muscles. I recognise now how beneficial to my recovery that was. My surgery went very well and I recovered rapidly after the spinal anaesthesia. I was on my feet, with support, later the same day and experienced little pain on the routine medication I was given. Over the next few days I had physiotherapy and hydrotherapy daily. I found the hydrotherapy particularly comforting. The therapists were superb and I was soon walking, initially using a frame and then crutches. Adrian Fairbank looked in on me each day and seemed well satisfied with my progress. I received excellent care in a comfortable room at the Parkside Hospital and the food was tasty with a variety of menu choices. After 5 days I was able to manage stairs using a crutch and was considered fit for discharge. I had booked into the Clavadel Clinic in Guildford for the next stage of my rehab where I continued with hydrotherapy and physiotherapy. Not forgetting the cryo-cuff sessions to limit knee swelling. My stay here proved to be an excellent decision and I left after two weeks able to walk unaided and ready to continue my recovery at home. Once back at home I returned to the team at Parkside for continued hydrotherapy and physiotherapy. The care I received from the therapists here has been superb and so supportive through what in the early days can be a somewhat uncomfortable and difficult time. After 6 weeks I was able to confidently resume driving and felt encouraged to be more self-sufficient and somewhat independent again. I have been quite diligent with ongoing home exercises and I am sure this has greatly contributed to a good recovery in addition to continued use of the cryo-cuff to minimise swelling. I saw Mr Fairbank from time to time to keep an eye on my progress and he advised me about the sort of activities and exercises I should be doing. He recommended cycling and a friend brought over his exercise cycle which proved a great benefit to my mobility in the early months. I also made a habit of taking a daily walk during this time. Later somewhere between 4 to 6 months into my recovery I was able to use my own cycle out on the road again and by 8 to 9 months my knees were pain free and I cycle freely for 10 to 15 miles on an almost daily basis. Overall I have no doubts whatever about this being the right course of action for me and am now able to look forward to an active and pain free life enjoying many of the pursuits I have always looked forward to. I have no hesitation in wholeheartedly recommending Adrian Fairbank for his professionalism and expertise as well as his sympathetic and personal approach. The 5 star reviews are totally justified!

Written by a patient at Wimbledon Clinics
8th December 2016

The ultimate professional, Mr Fairbank recommended knee strengthening exercises BEFORE my operation as well as post op, and this I am sure speeded my recovery following his skilful surgery on 7th June. The frequent use of a cryo-cuff is also an essential tool which numbs the pain in the early weeks and helps to keep the swelling down. Mr Fairbank is an excellent empathetic listener who always had detailed answers to my questions. He gave me the confidence to do everything I was told from the moment I woke from the surgery and was particularly reassuring on day 2 post op which is often the worst, particularly as one has to find a comfortable position to sleep in! I am now fully mobile and pain free - and back on the golf course! I would recommend anyone with knee problems to go to him.

Written by a patient at Wimbledon Clinics
25th October 2016

Having worked in healthcare for 40 years I didn't really want to go near a surgeon!!!!!! However Mr Fairbank came highly recommended. At 62 I had been suffering with a bad knee for 12 years which had got progressively worse and was stopping me doing the things I wanted to do ( Walking, playing racketball etc.) Pre op consultation was thorough with good explanation of process and type of knee prosthesis. Recommended to start knee strengthening exercises immediately as this would aid post op recovery. Had the op at the beginning of March. Surgery was uneventful and pain minimal post op. Pain relief was available if I needed it. Post op had physio twice a day, which included 2 sessions of hydrotherapy, whilst in Parkside Hospital. Discharged from hosp after 3 nights. Exercises post op explained by the physio + regular icing of knee. ( Cryocuff was really good - worth the investment) Mr Fairbank visited regularly. Advised cycling was good recovery exercise. Able to get off crutches totally by 3 weeks. Recovery continued to progress very well. Walking improved steadily. At 5 months back playing racketball (all be it very carefully ). 7 Months playing regularly ( less carefully ). Continuity of care with Mr Fairbank and physio was very well organised and care within Parkside Hospital was very good. Don't even think about the knee now. Wondering when to have the other one done.

Written by a patient at Wimbledon Clinics
15th September 2016

Mr Fairbank have replaced both my knees with great succeess.They are working beautifully with a little help from me doing my exercises every day as scheduled.. We are both very pleased with the outcome.


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Specialises in

  • Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery


Mr Adrian Fairbank is a orthopaedic knee surgeon, seeing adults only and working with Fortius Group in WIgmore Stree, the City of London and Wimbledon. He treats meniscus tears, articular cartilage injury, ACL reconstruction, arthroscopic surgery, standard knee replacement and robot assisted unicompartmental (partial) knee and total knee replacement.